vegetarian (n)

someone who chooses not to eat meat or fish


see the light (phrase)
/si ðə laɪt/

to understand

see the light

play a major role (phrase)
/pleɪ ə ˈmeɪdʒər roʊl/

to have an effect on something

play a major role

authority (n)

the power to give orders to people


as a rule (phrase)
/æz ə rul/

in most cases

as a rule

preaching to the choir (idiom)
/pritʃɪŋ tu ðə ˈkwaɪər/

try to persuade someone who already agrees

preaching to the choir

go in one ear and out the other (idiom)
/ɡoʊ ɪn wʌn ɪr ən aʊt ðə ˈʌðər/

said about something which is heard and then quickly forgotten

go in one ear and out the other

interested in (adjphrase)
/ˈɪntrəstɪd ɪn/

showing curiosity or concern about something or someone

interested in

curious (adj)

having a strong desire to know about something


literature (n)

pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays, and poems


to weigh the pros and cons (phrase)
/tu weɪ ðə proʊz ən kɑnz/

to compare the positive and negative factors

to weigh the pros and cons

blood pressure (n)
/blʌd ˈprɛʃər/

the pressure of blood as it travels around the body

blood pressure

run in my family (idiom)
/rʌn ɪn maɪ ˈfæməli/

is common in my family

run in my family

strike a chord (phrase)
/straɪk ə kɔrd/

connected emotionally; triggered a strong emotion

strike a chord
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