vegetarian (n)

người ăn chay

someone who chooses not to eat meat or fish


see the light (phrase)
/si ðə laɪt/

hiểu ra

to understand

see the light

play a major role (phrase)
/pleɪ ə ˈmeɪdʒər roʊl/

đóng một vai trò chủ đạo

to have an effect on something

play a major role

authority (n)

quyền lực, thẩm quyền

the power to give orders to people


as a rule (phrase)
/æz ə rul/

trong nhiều trường hợp, nói chung

in most cases

as a rule

preaching to the choir (idiom)
/pritʃɪŋ tu ðə ˈkwaɪər/

bên hô bên xướng, hô ứng, ca đoàn

try to persuade someone who already agrees

preaching to the choir

go in one ear and out the other (idiom)
/ɡoʊ ɪn wʌn ɪr ən aʊt ðə ˈʌðər/

vô tai này ra tai kia

said about something which is heard and then quickly forgotten

go in one ear and out the other

interested in (adjphrase)
/ˈɪntrəstɪd ɪn/

thích, quan tâm

showing curiosity or concern about something or someone

interested in

curious (adj)

tò mò, hiếu kỳ

having a strong desire to know about something


literature (n)

văn chương, văn học

pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays, and poems


to weigh the pros and cons (phrase)
/tu weɪ ðə proʊz ən kɑnz/

so sánh ưu và nhược điểm

to compare the positive and negative factors

to weigh the pros and cons

blood pressure (n)
/blʌd ˈprɛʃər/

huyết áp

the pressure of blood as it travels around the body

blood pressure

run in my family (idiom)
/rʌn ɪn maɪ ˈfæməli/

nét tương đồng giữa các thành viên trong gia đình

is common in my family

run in my family

strike a chord (phrase)
/straɪk ə kɔrd/

đánh trúng tâm lý, đánh vào tâm lý

connected emotionally; triggered a strong emotion

strike a chord
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