pop up (phrasal verb)
/pɑp ʌp/

nổ bung, bất ngờ xuất hiện

appear suddenly or unexpectedly

pop up

stint (n)

phần việc

a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity


vegan (n)

người ăn chay thuần

a person who does not eat any animal products such as meat, milk, or eggs, or even do not use animal products such as silk or leather


of course (idiom)
/ʌv kɔrs/

dĩ nhiên

used to show that what you are saying is obvious or already known

of course

to give it a shot (phrase)
/tu ɡɪv ɪt ə ʃɑt/

thử điều đó

to try it

to give it a shot

option (n)

sự chọn lựa, quyền lựa chọn

something that you can choose to have or do


turn over a new leaf (idiom)
/tərn ˈoʊvər ə nu lif/

cải tà quy chính; đổi xấu thành tốt

make a positive change

turn over a new leaf

turned off (phrase)
/tərnd ɔf/

cự tuyệt

repulsed, have desire for something eliminated

turned off

It's just second nature (idiom)
/ɪts dʒʌst ˈsɛkənd ˈneɪtʃər/

không cần nghĩ tới, không đáng bận tâm tới.

to mean 'effortless to think about'

It\'s just second nature

switch (n)

sự chuyển đổi

a change from one thing to another, especially when this is sudden and complete


go cold turkey (idiom)
/ɡoʊ koʊld ˈtərki/

ngưng ngay, dứt ngay

quit suddenly and totally

go cold turkey

not go over very well (phrase)
/nɑt ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər ˈvɛri wɛl/

không phổ biến

not popular

not go over very well

non-existent (adj)

không tồn tại

not existing; not real


pretentious (adj)

tự phụ, kiêu căng

trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress

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