vegan (n)

a person who does not eat any animal products such as meat, milk, or eggs, or even do not use animal products such as silk or leather


It's just second nature (idiom)
/ɪts dʒʌst ˈsɛkənd ˈneɪtʃər/

to mean 'effortless to think about'

It\'s just second nature

option (n)

something that you can choose to have or do


of course (idiom)
/ʌv kɔrs/

used to show that what you are saying is obvious or already known

of course

pop up (phrasal verb)
/pɑp ʌp/

appear suddenly or unexpectedly

pop up

turned off (phrase)
/tərnd ɔf/

repulsed, have desire for something eliminated

turned off

pretentious (adj)

trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress


not go over very well (phrase)
/nɑt ɡoʊ ˈoʊvər ˈvɛri wɛl/

not popular

not go over very well

switch (n)

a change from one thing to another, especially when this is sudden and complete


go cold turkey (idiom)
/ɡoʊ koʊld ˈtərki/

quit suddenly and totally

go cold turkey

to give it a shot (phrase)
/tu ɡɪv ɪt ə ʃɑt/

to try it

to give it a shot

turn over a new leaf (idiom)
/tərn ˈoʊvər ə nu lif/

make a positive change

turn over a new leaf

non-existent (adj)

not existing; not real


stint (n)

a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity

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