water under the bridge (idiom)
/ˈwɔt̮ər ˈʌndər ðə brɪdʒ/

chuyện đã xảy ra không thể thay đổi được

something that has happened and cannot be changed

water under the bridge

pretty penny (noun phrase)
/ˈprɪt̮i ˈpɛni/

nhiều tiền

a lot of money

pretty penny

to top something off (idiom)
/tu tɑp ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɔf/

thêm vào

in addition to, or to fill to

to top something off

badmouth (v)

nói xấu

to speak badly about


bottom line (idiom)
/ˈbɑt̮əm laɪn/

điểm mấu chốt, điều cốt yếu

the most important thing that you have to consider or accept

bottom line

contest it (phrase)
/ˈkɑntɛst ɪt/

khiếu nại

to fight it, to complaint it

contest it

it's done (adj)
/ɪts dʌn/

nó đã bị tiêu hủy

to mean something is destroyed

it\'s done

cut down (phrasal verb)
/kʌt daʊn/

giảm bớt, làm thấp xuống

to make smaller, to reduce size

cut down

chip on one's shoulder (phrase)
/tʃɪp ɔn wʌnz ˈʃoʊldər/

có thái độ phẫn uất

to have an angry attitude

chip on one\'s shoulder

first offense (n)
/fərst əˈfens/

lần đầu vi phạm

the first time you have been in trouble for something

first offense

buck (n)

đô la

a dollar


total long shot (phrase)
/ˈtoʊt̮l lɔŋ ʃɑt/

khó xảy ra, hoàn toàn không chắc

very unlikely

total long shot

convince (v)

làm cho tin, thuyết phục

to persuade someone or make them certain


not worth it (phrase)
/nɑt wərθ ɪt/

không đáng để làm gì, không đủ quan trọng

not important enough

not worth it
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