culture (n)
the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time
demographics (n)
the particular features of a population, for example people's age or race
diversity (n)
the fact that very different people or things exist within a group or place
icon (n)
a small picture on a computer screen that you choose by pressing a button with the mouse in order to open a particular program
migrate (v)
If people migrate, they travel in large numbers to a new place to live temporarily.
dwindle (v)
to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains
industry (n)
the companies and activities involved in the process of producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area
isolation (n)
the state of being separated from other people, or a situation in which you do not have the support of other people
joint venture (n)
/dʒɔɪnt ˈven.tʃər/
a business or business activity that two or more people or companies work on together
market (n)
the people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold
multiculturalism (n)
the belief that different cultures within a society should all be given importance
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