culture (n)
văn hoá
the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time

demographics (n)
số liệu thống kê dân số
the particular features of a population, for example people's age or race

diversity (n)
sự đa dạng, phong phú
the fact that very different people or things exist within a group or place

icon (n)
biểu tượng
a small picture on a computer screen that you choose by pressing a button with the mouse in order to open a particular program

migrate (v)
di cư
If people migrate, they travel in large numbers to a new place to live temporarily.

merge (v)
hợp nhất, hoà vào, kết hợp
to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this

dwindle (v)
giảm, teo lại
to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains

worldwide (a)
toàn thế giới, trên phạm vi thế giới
existing or happening in all parts of the world

industry (n)
ngành công nghiệp
the companies and activities involved in the process of producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area

isolation (n)
sự cô lập
the state of being separated from other people, or a situation in which you do not have the support of other people

joint venture (n)
/dʒɔɪnt ˈven.tʃər/
sự liên kết với nhau để kinh doanh, sự liên doanh
a business or business activity that two or more people or companies work on together

market (n)
thị trường, nơi tiêu thụ
the people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold

modernisation (n)
sự hiện đại hoá, sự đổi mới
the process of modernizing something

multiculturalism (n)
đa văn hóa
the belief that different cultures within a society should all be given importance

percentage (n)
tỷ lệ phần trăm
an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100

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