calculation (n)

the process of using information you already have and adding, taking away, multiplying, or dividing numbers to judge the number or amount of something


refund (n)

the amount paid back


preparation (n)

the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something


penalty (n)

a punishment for breaking a rule or law


owe (v)

to have the responsibility to pay or give back something you have received from someone


joint (a)

involving two or more people, or done by them together


give up (phrasal verb)
/ɡɪv ʌp/

to stop doing something that you do regularly

give up

fill out (phrasal verb)
/fɪl aʊt/

to add information such as your name or address in the empty spaces on an official document

fill out

file (v)

to enter into public record


deadline (n)

a time by which something must be finished


withhold (v)

to keep back something


tax incentive (n)
/tæks ɪnˈsen.t̬ɪv/

a reduction in taxes that encourages companies or people to do something that will help the country's economy

tax incentive

percent (n)

one part of 100, or a particular amount of a total that you have divided by 100; percent is often shown using the symbol %


overdue (a)

not paid, done, returned, etc. by the required or expected time


overpaid (a)

an overpaid amount of money is more than necessary


due date (n)
/duː deɪt/

the date or day that something is supposed to be paid, returned, completed, etc.

due date

corporate income tax (n)
/ˈkɔr·pə·rət ˈɪn·kʌm tæks/

tax that a company has to pay on its profits

corporate income tax

personal income tax (n)
/ˈpɜr·sə·nəl ˈɪn·kʌm /tæks/

a tax paid by people on the money they earn, as opposed to a tax that a company pays on its profits

personal income tax

value-added tax (n)
/ˈvæl·ju ˈæd·ɪd tæks/

a tax that is added to the price of goods and services

value-added tax

tax return (n)
/ˈtæks rɪˌtərn/

a document on which you report your income each year to calculate your taxes

tax return
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