advanced (a)

tiên tiến

highly developed; at a higher level


rate (n)

mức giá

the payment or price according to a standard


quote (v)

báo giá

to state a price or amount that something will cost


reservation (n)

sự đặt chỗ trước

an arrangement by which something such as a room in a hotel or a seat in a theatre is kept for you to use later


preclude (v)

ngăn cản

to make impossible; to rule out


notify (v)

thông báo

to inform someone officially about something


housekeeper (n)

nhân viên dọn phòng

someone employed to do domestic work


expect (v)

trông đợi

to consider probable or reasonable


confirm (v)

xác nhận

to validate


check in (phrasal verb)
 /tʃek ɪn/

đăng ký khi đến

to register at a hotel; to report one’s presence

check in

chain (n)


a group of businesses such as shops, hotels, or restaurants that all belong to the same person or company


service (n)

dịch vụ

A service is a business that provides something for people but does not produce goods.


concierge (n)

nhân viên hướng dẫn khách

someone who is employed in a hotel to help guests arrange things, such as theatre tickets and visits to restaurants


parking garage (n)
/ˈpɑr·kɪŋ ɡəˈrɑʒ/

nhà để xe

a large building with several floors for parking cars in

parking garage

pool (n)

hồ bơi

a swimming pool


room service (n)

dịch vụ phòng

a hotel service that provides food and drink to guests in their rooms

room service

double bed (n)
/ˈdʌb.l̩ bed/

giường đôi

a bed big enough for two people to sleep in

double bed

single bed (n)
/ˈsɪŋ.ɡl̩ bed/

giường đơn

a bed for one person

single bed

reception (n)

quầy lễ tân

the place in a hotel or office building where there is someone whose job is to welcome visitors


cosy (a)

ấm cúng

warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed

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