flake (n)

người hay quên

a person who is strange or unusual or who forgets things easily


cop (n)

cảnh sát

a police officer


clean-cut (adj)
/klin kʌt/

gọn gàng sáng sủa

looking neat and clean and therefore socially acceptable


jump to conclusions (phrase)
/dʒʌmp tu kənˈkluʒnz/

vội kết luận, vội đi đến kết luận

to decide something without knowing about it

jump to conclusions

travel around (adj)
/ˈtrævl əˈraʊnd/

đi đây đi đó

go from one place to another place

travel around

rabid fans (noun phrase)
/ˈræbəd fænz/

người hâm mộ cuồng nhiệt

people who really like something

rabid fans

bonding experience (noun phrase)
/ˈbɑndɪŋ ɪkˈspɪriəns/

trải nghiệm gắn kết

something that makes people become closer

bonding experience

run into (phrasal verb)
/rʌn ˈɪntu/

tình cờ gặp

to unexpectedly see someone

run into

your guess is as good as mine (idiom)
/jɔr ɡɛs ɪz æz ɡʊd æz maɪn/

mình cũng không biết gì nhiều hơn bạn

to mean that you do not know anything more than the one you are talking to

your guess is as good as mine

it's such a small world (idiom)
/ɪts sʌtʃ ə smɔl wərld/

quả là trái đất tròn

said when you are surprised to see another person you know at a place you did not expect to see them

it\'s such a small world

conservative (adj)

bảo thủ

not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change


follow through (phrasal verb)
/ˈfɑloʊ θru/

làm từ đầu tới cuối, theo đuổi đến cùng

to finish something that you have started

follow through

bohemian gypsy (noun phrase)
/boʊˈhimiən ˈdʒɪpsi/

nghệ sĩ lang thang

travelling artist

bohemian gypsy

judge the book by its cover (idiom)
/dʒʌdʒ ðə bʊk baɪ ɪts ˈkʌvər/

đánh giá qua vẻ bề ngoài

deciding what something is like by how it looks

judge the book by its cover
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