travel around (adj)
/ˈtrævl əˈraʊnd/

go from one place to another place

travel around

conservative (adj)

not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change


bohemian gypsy (noun phrase)
/boʊˈhimiən ˈdʒɪpsi/

travelling artist

bohemian gypsy

cop (n)

a police officer


clean-cut (adj)
/klin kʌt/

looking neat and clean and therefore socially acceptable


jump to conclusions (phrase)
/dʒʌmp tu kənˈkluʒnz/

to decide something without knowing about it

jump to conclusions

judge the book by its cover (idiom)
/dʒʌdʒ ðə bʊk baɪ ɪts ˈkʌvər/

deciding what something is like by how it looks

judge the book by its cover

run into (phrasal verb)
/rʌn ˈɪntu/

to unexpectedly see someone

run into

it's such a small world (idiom)
/ɪts sʌtʃ ə smɔl wərld/

said when you are surprised to see another person you know at a place you did not expect to see them

it\'s such a small world

bonding experience (noun phrase)
/ˈbɑndɪŋ ɪkˈspɪriəns/

something that makes people become closer

bonding experience

rabid fans (noun phrase)
/ˈræbəd fænz/

people who really like something

rabid fans

follow through (phrasal verb)
/ˈfɑloʊ θru/

to finish something that you have started

follow through

your guess is as good as mine (idiom)
/jɔr ɡɛs ɪz æz ɡʊd æz maɪn/

to mean that you do not know anything more than the one you are talking to

your guess is as good as mine

flake (n)

a person who is strange or unusual or who forgets things easily

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