cherry (n)

quả anh đào

a small, round, soft red or black fruit with a single hard seed in the middle


vitamin c (n)
/ˈvɑɪ·t̬ə·mɪn si/

vitamin C

a vitamin found in fruits such as oranges and lemons, and in green vegetables

vitamin c

apricot (n)

quả mơ

a small, round, soft fruit with a pale orange, furry skin


quince (n)

quả mộc qua

A hard fruit that looks like an apple and has a strong sweet smell.


dragon fruit (n)
/ˈdræɡ.ən fruːt/

quả thanh long

a fruit that has red-skinned fruit with white flesh

dragon fruit

durian (n)

quả sầu riêng

a large, oval, tropical fruit with a hard skin covered in sharp points, yellow, orange, or red flesh, and a very strong smell


guava (n)

trái ổi

a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds


raspberry (n)

quả mâm xôi

a small dark red soft fruit that grows on bushes


jackfruit (n)

quả mít

large fruit and grows mainly in tropical parts of Asia


kiwi (n)

trái kiwi

an oval fruit with brown skin covered in hairs and bright green flesh


kumquat (n)

quả quất vàng

a small, oval fruit that looks like an orange and has a sweet skin that can be eaten


blueberry (n)

trái việt quất

The dark blue fruit of a bush that is grown in North America.


tamarind (n)

trái me

fruit of a type of tropical tree


pomegranate (n)

quả lựu

a round, thick-skinned fruit containing a mass of red seeds and a lot of juice


nectarine (n)

quả xuân đào

A type of sweet juicy fruit like a peach but with a smooth skin.


raisin (n)

nho khô

a dried black grape


mulberry (n)

quả dâu tằm

a small soft purple fruit, or the tree that has these fruit


lychee (n)

quả vải

fruit with a rough, brown shell and sweet, white flesh around a large, shiny, brown seed


custard apple (n)
/ˈkʌs.tɚdtəd ˈæp.l̩/

trái mãng cầu

a sweet fruit, which is widely grown across the world

custard apple

persimmon (n)

quả hồng

a very sweet orange tropical fruit

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