reference (n)

sự xem, sự tham khảo

used to describe books or places where you can find information


counselor (n)

cố vấn

someone whose job is to give advice and help to people with problems


connectedness (n)

sự liên hệ

the state of being connected and having a close relationship with other things or people


apparently (r)

hình như, dường như

used for saying what seems to be true when people do not yet know all the facts of asituation


abstract (a)

trừu tượng

ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objectsor real events and actions


involve with (phrasal verb)
/ɪnˈ vɑːlv wɪθ/

cam kết, hứa hẹn

to be engaged in an emotional or personal relationship

involve with

attendance (n)

sự có mặt

the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event


notion (n)

ý niệm, khái niệm

a conception of or belief about something


schedule (n)

thời gian biểu

a plan of activities or events and when they will happen


paradigm (n)

kiểu mẫu, mô hình

a typical example or model of something


assimilation (n)

sự đồng hóa

the process of becoming part of a community or culture


mediocre (a)

tầm thường

of only average quality; not very good


argument (n)

sự tranh cãi, tranh luận

an angry disagreement between people


cognition (n)

sự nhận thức

in psychology, the process by which you recognize and understand things


instrument (n)

nhạc cụ

a musical tool or piece of equipment


coordinate (v)

phối hợp

to organize the different parts of an activity and the people involved in it so that it works well


confident (a)

tự tin

feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful


gender equity (noun phrase)
/ˈdʒen.dɚ ˈek.wɪ.ti/

bình đẳng giới

the quality of being fair and impartial between genders

gender equity

genius (n)

thiên tài

someone who is much more intelligent or skilful than other people


acquaint with (phrasal verb)
/əˈkweɪnt wɪθ/

làm quen với

to make someone familiar with something or someone

acquaint with
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