rattling (n)

a series of short loud sounds made when hard objects hit against each other


irrational (adj)

not based on, or not using, clear logical thought


it dawned on me (adj)
/ɪt dɔnd ɔn mi /

I remembered; I realized

it dawned on me

totally (adv)

a way of emphasizing that something is true and that there is no doubt about it


a while (phrase)
/ə waɪl/

a long time

a while

it's a given (phrase)
/ɪts ə ˈɡɪvn/

there is no doubt

it\'s a given

perspective (n)

a mental view or outlook


take place (phrase)
/teɪk pleɪs/

to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned

take place

I'll tell you what
/aɪl tɛl ju wɑt/

that is for sure

I\'ll tell you what

cut out (phrasal verb)
/kʌt aʊt/

suddenly stops working

cut out

rundown (n)

an explanation or a description of something


weed through (phrasal verb)
/wid θru/

to dig through

weed through

a dime a dozen (idiom)
/ə daɪm ə ˈdʌzn/

very common

a dime a dozen

surreal (adj)

very strange; more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way

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