rattling (n)

tiếng ầm ầm, tiếng huyên náo

a series of short loud sounds made when hard objects hit against each other


irrational (adj)

không có lý trí, vô lý

not based on, or not using, clear logical thought


it dawned on me (adj)
/ɪt dɔnd ɔn mi /

tôi đã nhận ra rằng

I remembered; I realized

it dawned on me

totally (adv)

nhất định, chắc chắn

a way of emphasizing that something is true and that there is no doubt about it


a while (phrase)
/ə waɪl/

khá lâu, lâu

a long time

a while

it's a given (phrase)
/ɪts ə ˈɡɪvn/

không còn nghi ngờ, ắt hẳn

there is no doubt

it\'s a given

perspective (n)

quan điểm, cách nhìn

a mental view or outlook


take place (phrase)
/teɪk pleɪs/

diễn ra

to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned

take place

I'll tell you what
/aɪl tɛl ju wɑt/

tôi chắc chắn về điều đó

that is for sure

I\'ll tell you what

cut out (phrasal verb)
/kʌt aʊt/

ngắt, ngừng

suddenly stops working

cut out

rundown (n)

lời giải thích, lời mô tả, lời tường thuật

an explanation or a description of something


weed through (phrasal verb)
/wid θru/

đào xuyên qua

to dig through

weed through

a dime a dozen (idiom)
/ə daɪm ə ˈdʌzn/

rất thường gặp

very common

a dime a dozen

surreal (adj)

kỳ quái, siêu thực

very strange; more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way

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