signature (n)

chữ ký

the name of a person written by the person


foreign currency (n)
/ˈfɒr.ən ˈkʌr.ə

ngoại tệ, ngoại hối

money from a country that is not your own

foreign currency

interest rate (n)
/ˈɪn·trəst reɪt/

lãi suất

the percentage amount that you pay for borrowing money, or get for lending money, for a period of time, usually a year

interest rate

withdraw (v)

rút tiền

to take money out of a bank account


inflation rate (n)
/ɪnˈfleɪ.ʃən reɪt/

tỷ lệ lạm phát

the rate at which prices increase over time, causing the value of money to fall

inflation rate

payback (n)

thu hồi vốn

the money that you receive back on money that you have invested


payment order (n)
/ˈpeɪ·mənt ˈɔr·dər/

ủy nhiệm chi

an order or an instruction of a sender to a receiving bank directing transfer of funds to a designated account or beneficiary

payment order

devaluation (n)

sự mất giá (tiền tệ)

an official reduction in the value of a country's money


cheque (n)

chi phiếu, séc

a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account


balance (n)

số dư tài khoản

the amount of money you have in a bank account, or the amount of something that you have left after you have spent or used up the rest


disbursement (n)

giải ngân

a large payment of money, for example, from a bank, organization, or government, or the act of making such a payment


restricted (a)

hạn chế

limited, especially by official rules, laws, etc.


credit card (n)
/ˈkred·ɪt kɑrd/

thẻ tín dụng

a small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from you at a later time

credit card

deduct (v)

khấu trừ

to take away from a total; to subtract


take out (phrasal verb)
/teɪk aʊt/

lấy ra, rút ra

withdraw; remove

take out

depositor (n)

người gửi tiền

a person who keeps money at a bank


loan (n)

tiền cho vay, vốn vay

an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back


down payment (n)
/daʊn ˈpeɪ.mənt/

phần tiền đặt cọc

an initial partial payment

down payment

mortgage (n)

vay thế chấp

the amount due on a property


transaction (n)

thương vụ, giao dịch

a business deal

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