between (prep)

ở giữa

in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects


way (n)

đường đi

a route, direction, or path


turn left (phrasal verb)
/tɜːn left/

rẽ trái

to (cause to) change the direction in which you are facing or moving to the left

turn left

nearby (a)

gần bên

not far away


end (v)

kết thúc, chấm dứt

to finish or stop, or to make something finish or stop


opposite (prep)

đối diện

across from or facing someone or something


shortcut (n)

đường tắt

a route that leads from one place to another and is quicker and more direct than the usual route


street (n)

đường (thường có tên gọi)

a road in a town or city with houses or other buildings along it


direction (n)

phương hướng

the position towards which someone or something moves or faces


road (n)

con đường

a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along


give (v)

đưa, cho

to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with something


turn (v)

rẽ, đổi chiều, đổi hướng

to change the direction in which you are facing or moving, or to cause someone or something to face or move in a different direction


corner (n)

góc đường

the point, area, or line that is formed by the meeting of two lines, surfaces, roads, etc.


bridge (n)

cây cầu

a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other


go straight (phrasal verb)
/ɡoʊ streɪt/

đi thẳng

to move straight forward, not turn left or right

go straight

cross (v)

băng qua

to go from one side of something such as a road or river to the other


turn right (phrasal verb)
/tɜːn right/

rẽ phải

to (cause to) change the direction in which you are facing or moving to the right

turn right

thank (v)

cám ơn

to tell someone that you are grateful for something


lost (a)

lạc đường

unable to find your way; not knowing where you are


next to (prep)
 /nekst tuː/

kế bên, ngay kế tiếp

immediately after

next to
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