canoeing (n)

môn thể thao đi thuyền

travel in a long narrow boat that you push through the water using a paddle


cap (n)

mũ lưỡi trai

a soft hat that you wear to protect or cover your hair


eject (v)

đẩy ra, tống ra

to make someone leave a place, especially using physical force


foul (n)

phạm luật, sai sót

an act that is against the rules of a sport


opponent (n)

đối thủ, đối phương

someone who is competing against you


penalty (n)

hình phạt

a punishment for breaking a rule or law


scuba-diving (n)
 /ˈskuː.bə ˌdaɪ.vɪŋ/

lặn có bình khí

the activity of swimming under water with a container of air on your back and atube for breathing through


synchronized swimming (n)

bơi nghệ thuật

a sport in which two or more swimmers perform complicated movements tomusic at the same time as each other

synchronized swimming

tie (n)

trận hòa

a result of a game or competition in which each person or team has the same number of points, votes


vertical (adj)

phương thẳng đứng, dọc

standing, pointing, or moving straight up


windsurfing (n)

môn lướt ván buồm

a sport in which you move across water standing on a flat board with a sail that you can move


water polo (n)

môn bóng nước

a game played in water by two teams of seven players who get points by throwing a ball into the opponent's goal

water polo

goalie (n)

người giữ gôn

the player whose job is to stop the ball going into the goal in games such as football


sprint (v)

chạy nước rút, hết tốc độ

a short race at a fast speed


defensive (adj)

có tính chất bảo vệ

intended or used for protecting a place during an attack


interfere (v)

gây trở ngại, quấy rầy

to prevent something from happening or developing in the correct way


rowing (n)

sự chèo thuyền

the activity of moving a boat through water using oars, either for pleasure or as asport


regulator (n)

người điều chỉnh

a person or organization whose job is to be certain that companies, systems etcact fairly and follow rules


ballet (n)

ba lê, vũ kịch

a type of dancing used for telling a story, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training


equipment (n)

sự trang bị

the process of providing people with the tools, machines, and other things they need

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