always up for (idiom)
/ˈɔlweɪz ʌp fɔr/

luôn muốn làm gì

always wants to do; always ready to do

always up for

ethnic (adj)

(thuộc) dân tộc, (thuộc) tộc người

connected with or belonging to a nation, race, or people that shares a cultural tradition


variety (n)

sự đa dạng

a collection or number of people, things, ideas, etc. that are all different from one another


chain (n)

chuỗi (nhà hàng, khách sạn,...)

a group of businesses such as shops, hotels, or restaurants that all belong to the same person or company


mom and pops (noun phrase)
/mɑm ən pɑps/

cửa hàng kinh doanh gia đình

family owned stores and restaurants

mom and pops

independent (adj)

độc lập, tự lập

not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things


authentic (adj)

đáng tin, xác thực

known to be real and genuine, and not a copy


character (n)

sự đặc sắc

all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others


support (v)

ủng hộ

to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want them or it to succeed


customarily (adv)

thường, theo phong tục

in a way that follows customs or usual practices


region (n)

vùng, miền

a particular area or part of the world


infuse (v)

ngâm (rượu, thuốc)

to soak (tea, herbs, etc.) in liquid to extract the flavor or healing properties

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