thoroughly (adv)

hoàn toàn, triệt để

completely and with great attention to detail


landmark (n)

di tích, địa danh nổi tiếng

a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved


iconic (adj)

mang tính biểu tượng, tiêu biểu

acting as a sign or symbol of something


pretty shock (adj)
/ˈprɪt̮i ʃɑk/

rất ngạc nhiên

very surprise

pretty shock

breathtaking (adj)

ngoạn mục, ấn tượng

very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way); very surprising


It makes for a great picture (idiom)
/ɪt meɪks fɔr ə ɡreɪt ˈpɪktʃər/

đủ tuyệt vời để chụp ảnh

to mean it looks good enough to take a picture of

It makes for a great picture

take for granted (phrase)
/teɪk fɔr ˈɡræntəd/

xem là hiển nhiên, không đánh giá cao

accept without verification or proof; to not appreciate

take for granted

far and wide (phrase)
/fɑr ənd waɪd/

khắp nơi

over a large area

far and wide

the best of both worlds (idiom)
/ðə best əv boʊθ wɜːldz/

vẹn cả đôi đường

having two great things that are different

the best of both worlds

mayor (n)

Ngài thị trưởng

the head of the government of a town or city, etc., elected by the public

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