put someone up (phrasal verb)
/pʊt ˈsʌmwʌn ʌp/

to provide someone with a place to stay temporarily

put someone up

crammed in (phrase)
/kræmd ɪn/

to do a lot in a short time

crammed in

confide in (phrasal verb)
/kənˈfaɪd ɪn/

to tell someone secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them

confide in

catch one's flight (phrase)
/kætʃ wʌnz flaɪt/

to board or get on an airplane

catch one\'s flight

grab a bite (phrase)
/ɡræb ə baɪt/

to buy something to eat

grab a bite

before you know it (idiom)
/bɪˈfɔr ju noʊ ɪt/

before you realized it (means that time went quickly)

before you know it

we're off (phrase)
/wɪr ɔf/

we are leaving to go somewhere

we\'re off
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