agree (v) /əˈɡriː/
to say that you will do something that someone else wants or suggests
aim (v) /eɪm/
to intend or hope to achieve something
appear (v) /əˈpɪər/
to give the impression of being or doing something
ask (v) /æsk/
to speak or write to someone saying that you want them to do something
attempt (v) /əˈtempt/
to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult
begin (v) /bɪˈɡɪn/
to start to do something
care (v) /ker/
to want to do something
claim (v) /kleɪm/
to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof
choose (v) /tʃuːz/
to decide to do something
continue (v) /kənˈtɪn.juː/
to keep happening without stopping
decide (v) /dɪˈsaɪd/
to make a choice about what you are going to do
expect (v) /ɪkˈspekt/
to think that it is right or reasonable that something should happen
forget (v) /fɚˈɡet/
to not remember to do something that you intended to do
happen (v) /ˈhæp.ən/
to do something by chance
hesitate (v) /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/
to pause before doing something usually because you are nervous, embarrassed
manage (v) /ˈmæn.ɪdʒ/
to succeed in doing something that you do not really want to do
need (v) /niːd/
to want something very much
dare (v) /deər/
to be brave enough to do something difficult or dangerous
hope (v) /hoʊp/
to express the feeling or wish that something desired will happen
fail (v) /feɪl/
to be unsuccessful when you try to do something
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