corn (n)

a tall plant grown in many parts of the world for its yellow seeds, which are eaten as food, made into flour, or fed to animals


onion (n)

a round vegetable with thin dry skin and many layers inside that tastes and smells very strong


beet (n)

a plant with a thick root, often fed to animals or used to make sugar


red pepper (n)
/red ˈpep.ɚ/

a hollow red fruit that is eaten, raw or cooked, as a vegetable

red pepper

sweet potato (n)
/swiːt pəˈteɪ.t̬oʊ/

a vegetable with a slightly sweet taste that looks like a potato with pink skin

sweet potato

celery (n)

a vegetable with long, green stems that can be eaten raw or cooked


broccoli (n)

a vegetable with a thick green stem and a dark green top


cauliflower (n)

a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked


lettuce (n)

a plant with large, green leaves, eaten uncooked in salads


cucumber (n)

a long, thin, pale green vegetable with dark green skin, usually eaten uncooked in salads


pea (n)

a round, green seed, several of which grow in a pod, eaten as a vegetable


eggplant (n)

an oval vegetable with a smooth dark purple skin and white flesh


cabbage (n)

a large round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked


carrot (n)

a long pointed orange root eaten as a vegetable


tomato (n)

a soft fruit with a lot of juice and shiny red skin that is eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked


mushroom (n)

a fungus with a round top and short stem


leek (n)

a long, white vegetable with green leaves on top that tastes and smells like an onion


potato (n)

a very common hard round vegetable that has a brown, red, or yellow skin and is white or yellow inside


garlic (n)

a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavour


butternut squash (n)

a long orange vegetable shaped like a bell with a hard skin and solid orange fleshthat becomes soft when cooked

butternut squash
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