dramatically more (phrase)
/drəˈmæt̮ɪkli mɔr/

hơn đáng kể

much more

dramatically more

quantitative (a)

định lượng, định tính

connected with the amount or number of something rather than with how good it is


thrilling (a)

ly kỳ, thích thú

exciting and enjoyable


exhort (v)

khuyên nhủ

to try hard to persuade someone to do something


finding (n)

kết quả

information that you discover, or opinions that you form after doing research


improve (v)

cải thiện

to become better than before


rely on (phrasal verb)
/rɪˈlaɪ ɑn/

trông cậy vào, dựa vào

to need or depend on someone or something

rely on

interesting (a)

thú vị

attracting your attention because it is special, exciting, or unusual


the bulk of (phrase)
/ðə bulk əv/

phần lớn

most of

the bulk of

apartment (n)

căn hộ

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building


specifically studied (phrase)
/spəˈsɪfɪkli ˈstʌdid/

học chuyên biệt, học tủ

focused on (studying) one subject

specifically studied

validation (n)

minh chứng

an evidence


plea (n)

lời kêu gọi

an urgent emotional request


an isolated incident (phrase)
/ən ˈaɪsəˌleɪt̮əd ˈɪnsədənt/

lần duy nhất, trường hợp duy nhất

an experience that is not repeated

an isolated incident

replicate (v)

sao chép, lặp lại

to copy something exactly


opportunity (n)

cơ hội

a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something


in person (phrase)
/ɪn ˈpərsn/

từng cá nhân

experienced personally

in person

in dramatic fashion (phrase)
/ɪn drəˈmæt̮ɪk ˈfæʃn/

đáng chú ý

in a noticable way

in dramatic fashion

measure (v)

đánh giá

to judge the importance, value, or effect of something


textbook (n)

sách giáo khoa

a book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools and colleges

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