stack (v)

xếp chồng lên

to arrange things in a pile one on top of another


glance over (phrasal verb)
/ɡlæns ˈoʊvər/

nhìn lướt qua

to look quickly at something or someone

glance over

score (n)

điểm, kết quả

the number of points someone gets for correct answers on a test


pre-test (n)

thi thử

a test that you take to find out how much you already know or can do before learning


post-test (n)
/poʊst tɛst/

thi kết thúc

a test given after a class


the course of (phrase)
/ðəkɔrs əv/

trong suốt quá trình

the time of; the length of

the course of

draw to (phrasal verb)
/drɔ tu/

bị thu hút

to be attracted

draw to

a big jump (phrase)
/ə bɪɡ dʒʌmp/

bước nhảy vọt

a large improvement

a big jump

harangue (v)

diễn thuyết

to speak loudly and angrily in a way that criticizes someone or something


adolescent (n)

vị thành niên

a young person who is developing from a child into an adult


jargon (n)

thuật ngữ

words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people


exceptional (a)

phi thường, xuất chúng

unusually good


input (n)

thông tin đầu vào

information that is put into a system, organization, or machine


analysis (n)

sự phân tích

a careful examination of something in order to understand more about it


drill (n)

sự luyện tập

practice involving repetition of an activity in order to improve a skill


nag (v)

mè nheo, cằn nhằn

to keep complaining to someone about their behavior


cajole (v)

vỗ về, nịnh hót

to make someone do something by talking to them and being very nice to them


illustrate (v)

minh họa, làm rõ

to show what something is like, or to show that something is true


phenomenon (n)

hiện tượng

an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist


starkly (r)

rõ rệt, hẳn

in a strong or obvious way

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