transport (v)

chuyên chở, vận chuyển

to take goods or people from one place to another


yacht (n)

du thuyền

a large sailing boat, often also with an engine and a place to sleep on board, used for pleasure trips and racing


handlebar (n)

tay lái

a metal bar, with a handle at each end, that you use for steering a bicycle or motorcycle


double-decker (n)
/ˈdʌbl 'dekər/

xe buýt hai tầng

a bus with two floors, one on top of the other


lifeboat (n)

thuyền cứu sinh

a small boat carried on a ship in order to save the people on board if the ship sinks


puncture (n)

lủng (lốp xe)

a small hole, especially in the skin, made by a sharp point


spoke (n)

căm xe

one of the thin bars or long straight pieces of metal that connect the center of a wheel to its outer edge


fishing boat (noun phrase)
/ˈfɪʃɪŋ boʊt/

tàu đánh cá

a boat or ship used to catch fish in the sea

fishing boat

car ferry (n)
/kɑr ˈfɛri/


a ship designed for carrying vehicles and passengers

car ferry

airship (n)

khinh khí cầu

a large aircraft without wings, filled with a gas that is lighter than air, and driven by engines


sail (v)

điều khiển, lái (thuyền)

to control a boat that has no engine and is pushed by the wind


barge (n)

xà lan

a large boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying goods and people on canals and rivers


saddle (n)

yên xe

a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle


pedal (n)

bàn đạp

a flat bar on a machine such as a bicycle that you push down with your foot in order to make parts of the machine move or work


speedboat (n)

xuồng máy

a boat with a motor that can travel very fast


rowing boat (n)
/ˈroʊɪŋ boʊt/

thuyền chèo

a small boat that is moved by pulling oars through the water

rowing boat

compartment (n)

gian xe lửa

one of the separate sections which a car on a train is divided into


chain (n)

dây xích

a series of metal rings connected to each other, used for fastening, pulling, or lifting things


jet (n)

máy bay phản lực

a plane driven by jet engines


safe (a)

an toàn

protected from any danger or harm

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