drop like flies (phrase)
/drɑp laɪk flaɪz/

rớt rất nhiều

to fail in studying or something in very large numbers

drop like flies

dropout (n)

học sinh bỏ học

a person who leaves school or college before they have finished their studies


less than satisfactory (phrase)
/lɛs ðæn sæt̮əsˈfæktəri/

không đạt yêu cầu

not good, below average

less than satisfactory

standardize (v)

chuẩn hóa

to make something standard


at all costs (idiom)
/æt ɔl kɔsts/

bằng bất cứ giá nào

whatever is needed to achieve something

at all costs

that is (phrase)
/ðæt ɪz/

nghĩa là

used to say what something means or to give more information

that is

audio-lingual (n)

tập trung nghe và nói

relating to a method of language teaching that teaches speaking and listening


grammar-analysis (n)
/ˈɡræmər əˈnæləsəs/

phương pháp phân tích ngữ pháp

teaching method that focuses mostly on memorizing grammar rules


infinite (a)

vô hạn

impossible to measure


engage in (phrasal verb)
/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ ɪn/

làm, tiến hành

to do something

engage in

approximate (v)

ước lượng, nhận định

to estimate almost correctly or accurately


acquisition (n)

sự tiếp thu

the act of getting something, especially knowledge, a skill


receptive (a)

tiếp nhận, tiếp thu

willing to listen to or to accept new ideas or suggestions


respond (v)

phản ứng

to do something as a reaction to something that someone has said or done


develop (v)

phát triển, tăng tiến

to start to have a skill, ability, quality, etc. that becomes better and stronger


far in advance of (phrase)
/fɑr ɪn ədˈvæns əv/

tốt hơn nhiều

much better

far in advance of

delay (v)

dừng, trì hoãn

to stop


internalize (v)

tiếp thu

learned instinctively


extensively (r)

rộng rãi, khắp

in state of including or dealing with a wide range of information


beneficial (a)

có lợi

having a helpful or useful effect

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