wake up on the wrong side of bed (idiom)
/weɪk ʌp ɔn ðə rɔŋ saɪd əv bɛd/

gắt gỏng, bực mình, cáu kỉnh

to feel grumpy, irritable; to be easily annoyed

wake up on the wrong side of bed

run against the clock (phrase)
/rʌn əˈɡɛnst ðə klɑk/

chạy đua với thời gian

try not to be late

run against the clock

get down (phrasal verb)
/ɡɛt daʊn/

đi đến

to go to

get down

catch a train (phrase)
/kætʃ ə treɪn/

bắt một chuyến tàu, lên một chuyến tàu

to get on a train

catch a train

on time (adv)
/ɔn taɪm/

đúng giờ

arriving at the correct time and not late

on time

pass (n)

vé thông hành, giấy phép, giấy vào cửa không mất tiền

an official document or ticket that shows that you have the right to enter or leave a place, to travel on a bus or train, etc.


ticket checker (n)
/ˈtɪkət ˈtʃɛkər/

nhân viên soát vé

people who make sure that you paid to ride the train

ticket checker

rack one's brain (idiom)
/ræk wʌnz breɪn/

nghĩ nát óc

to think very hard about something

rack one\'s brain

whip clipboard out (phrase)
/wɪp ˈklɪpbɔrd aʊt/

tháo bìa hồ sơ ra

to take the clipboard out

whip clipboard out

on me (idiom)
/ɔn mɪ/

có trên người mình, ở cùng chỗ với mình

to mean to have something with me

on me

go out on a limb (idiom)
/ɡoʊ aʊt ɔn ə lɪm/

rơi vào thế kẹt, rơi vào thế khó xử

in a dangerous position to do something; at risk

go out on a limb

citation (n)

biên bản phạt

a ticket that means you have to pay money for doing something wrong


hold on (phrasal verb)
/hoʊld ɔn/

đợi, đợi một lát

used to tell someone to wait for a short time

hold on

take a shower (phrase)
/teɪk ə ˈʃaʊər/

đi tắm

to wash yourself with a shower

take a shower

focus on (phrasal verb)
/ˈfoʊkəs ɔn/

tập trung vào

to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation, or person rather than another

focus on
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