revert (v)

quay trở lại

to start doing something again that you used to do in the past


challenging (a)

thách thức, thử thách

difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability


motion (n)

sự vận động

the act or process of moving or the way something moves


having a hard time (phrase)
/hævɪŋ ə hɑrd taɪm/

gặp khó khăn

experiencing a difficult situation

having a hard time

relieve (v)

giải tỏa, giảm bớt

to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling


chaos (n)

sự hỗn loạn

a state of complete confusion and lack of order


trend (n)

xu hướng

a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing


microphone (n)

míc rô

device that is used for recording sounds or for making your voice louder when you are speaking or singing


personalize (v)

cá nhân hóa

to design or change something so that it is suitable for the needs of a particular person


tough (a)

khó khăn

having or causing problems or difficulties


thrive (v)

phát triển, lớn lên

to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc.


to land on (phrasal verb)
/tu lænd ɔn/


to decide to use, to choose

to land on

stick to (phrasal verb)
/stɪk tu/

bám lấy, dẫm vào

to continue doing or using something and not want to change it

stick to

evolve (v)

phát triển

changing to survive or thrive


rapidly (r)

nhanh chóng

in the way of happening in a short period of time


pace (n)

nhịp độ, tốc dộ

the speed at which something happens


depressed (a)

chán nản

without hope


dig in (phrasal verb)
/dɪɡ ɪn/

nhẫn nại

to wait, or deal with a difficult situation, with great patience

dig in

bitter (a)

gay gắt

very serious and unpleasant, with a lot of anger and hatred involved


to keep up (phrasal verb)
/tu kip ʌp /

theo kịp

to not fall behind

to keep up
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