you didn't make it (adj)
/ju ˈdɪdnt meɪk ɪt/

bạn không thể nào có mặt ở đây

you were not able to be there

you didn\'t make it

underneath (prep)

bên dưới, phía dưới

under or below something else, especially when it is hidden or covered by the thing on top


did the weather cooperate
/dɪd ðə ˈwɛðər koʊˈɑpəˌreɪt/

thời tiết có tốt không

was the weather nice

did the weather cooperate

where you been hiding (phrase)
/wɛr ju bɪn ˈhaɪdɪŋ/

bạn trốn đâu mất dạng lâu thế

said when you have not seen someone in a long time

where you been hiding

ceremony (n)

nghi lễ, nghi thức

a formal public event with special traditions, actions, or words


super bummed (adj)
/ˈsupər bʌmd/

cực kỳ buồn bã, thất vọng

to be very upset

super bummed

made it in (phrasal verb)
/meɪd ɪt ɪn/

đến nơi

got to a place

made it in

It was worth it (phrase)
/ɪt wəz wərθ ɪt/

đáng công sức bỏ ra

said when you are glad to have done something

It was worth it

City Hall (n)
/ˈsɪt̮i hɔl/

Toà Thị Chính

the local government of a city and the offices it uses

City Hall

do-it-yourself (n)
/du ɪt jərˈsɛlf/

tự làm

the activity of making, repairing or decorating things in the home yourself, instead of paying someone to do it


work out (phrasal verb)
/wərk aʊt/

kết thúc một cách ổn thỏa

to end in a successful way

work out

long time no see (phrase)
/lɔːŋ taɪm nəʊ siː/

đã lâu không gặp

used to say hello to somebody you have not seen for a long time

long time no see

the golden rule (noun phrase)
/ðə ˈɡoʊldən rul/

nguyên tắc quan trọng nhất

the most important thing about something

the golden rule
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