race (n)

cuộc đua

a competition that decides who is the fastest at doing something, especially running


motorcycle (n)

xe gắn máy

a vehicle with two wheels and an engine


light (n)


a piece of electrical equipment that produces brightness


pull up (phrasal verb)
/pʊl ʌp/

dừng lại

stop in a short time

pull up

sunglasses (n)

kính mát, kính râm

an object that you wear in front of your eyes to protect your eyes when the sun is bright


driver (n)

tài xế

someone who controls a vehicle especially as their job


sneer (v)

khinh bỉ, thách thức

to speak in an unpleasant way that shows you do not respect someone orsomething and you think you are better than them


smoke (v)

xả khói

to produce a grey, black, or white cloud produced by something that is burning


beat (v)

đánh bại

to defeat someone in a game, competition, election, or battle


sorry-ass (a)
/ˈsɒr.i æs/

vô dụng

worthless, poor quality


rev (v)

làm nóng động cơ

to increase the operating speed of an engine while the vehicle is not moving


engine (n)

động cơ

a machine with moving parts that uses a fuel to produce movement


take off (phrasal verb)

rời khỏi, vút đi

to leave a place suddenly

take off

zoom (v)


to move with great speed and energy


top speed (n)
 /tɒp spiːd/

tốc độ tối đa

the highest rate at which someone or something moves

top speed

police (n)

cảnh sát

the people who work for an organization that tries to catch criminals and checks that people obey the law


pull over (phrasal verb)

tấp vào

order the vehicle's driver to stop at the side of the road

pull over

winner (n)

người chiến thắng

someone who defeats everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in a competition


Better luck next time! (idiom)
/ˈbet̬·ər ˈlʌk nekst tɑɪm/

Chúc bạn may mắn lần sau nhé!

used for encouraging someone who has not been successful at something

Better luck next time!

look over (phrasal verb)
/lʊk ˈoʊ·vər/

quan sát

to quickly examine something

look over
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