raid (n)
cuộc vây bắt thình lình
a surprise visit by the police looking for criminals or for illegal goods or drugs
surveillance (n)
sự giám sát
the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed
implicate (v)
làm dính líu vào, làm liên lụy
to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened
seizure (n)
sự tước đoạt
the action of taking something or taking control of something, especially using power or force
libertarian (n)
người tự do chủ nghĩa
a person who strongly believes that people should have the freedom to do and think as they like
bureaucracy (n)
quan chức
the officials, employees, and people who run government departments and offices, or similar officers and employees who manage the details of operating a large business
apprehend (v)
bắt giữ, tóm lấy
to catch and put a person under police control; to arrest
suspected (a)
tình nghi, khả nghi
a suspected criminal is one who the courts have not yet proved guilty
antidrug (a)
chống ma túy
opposing or restricting the use of narcotics or other drugs of abuse
federal (a)
(thuộc) liên bang
of or connected with the central government of some countries
convince (v)
thuyết phục, làm cho tin
to cause someone to believe something or to do something
intrude (v)
xâm phạm, xâm nhập
to go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be
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