software (n)

phần mềm

programs used by computers for doing particular jobs


miraculous (a)

kì diệu, thần kì

very effective or surprising, or difficult to believe


mouse (n)

chuột máy tính

a small object that you move in order to do things on a computer screen


floppy disk (n)
 /ˈflɒp.i dɪsk/

đĩa mềm

a small square plastic object used in the past for copying information from a computer

floppy disk

computer screen (n)
/kəmˈpjuːtə(r) skriːn/

màn hình máy tính

the flat surface on a computerwhere words and pictures are shown

computer screen

CD-ROM (n)

đĩa CD dùng để lưu trữ

a CD that stores large amounts of information for use by a computer


speaker (n)


a piece of equipment that sends out the sound from a CD player, radio etc


places of scenic beauty (noun phrase)
/pleɪsiz əv ˈsiːnɪk ˈbjuːti/

thắng cảnh

the wonderful and famous places

places of scenic beauty

visual display unit (noun phrase)
/ˈvɪʒʊəl dɪˈspleɪ ˈjuːnɪt/

thiết bị hiển thị hình ảnh, màn hình

a screen on which information from a computer can be shown (VDU)

visual display unit

central processing unit (n)
/ˌsentrəl ˈprəʊsesɪŋ ˌjuːnɪt/ 

bộ xử lí trung tâm (CPU)

One of the most important parts of computer which has hard ware inside.

central processing unit

printer (n)

máy in

a piece of equipment used for printing documents that you have created on a computer


electronic (a)

điện tử

using electricity and extremely small electrical parts such as microchips and transistors


press (v)

ấn, nhấn

to push one thing against another


camcorder (n)

máy quay phim

a small camera used for recording pictures and sound


keyboard (n)

bàn phím

a piece of computer equipment with keys on it, used for putting information into a computer


hardware (n)

phần cứng

the physical and electronic parts of a computer, rather than the instructions it follows


insert (v)

cho vào, chèn vào

to put something into something else, or into a hole or space


dial (v)

quay số

to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing particular series of numbers on the phone


communicator (n)

người giao tiếp

someone who expresses thoughts, feelings, or information to another person, for example by speaking or writing


accuracy (n)

sự chính xác, độ chính xác

the fact of being exact or correct

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