take time (phrase)
/teɪk taɪm/

tốn thời gian, cần nhiều thời gian

to spent a lot of time to do

take time

automatically (adv)

một cách tự động

independently, without outside prompting


intensive (adj)

hết sức tập trung, chuyên sâu

extremely thorough; done with a lot of care


flowing (adj)

trôi chảy

developed or produced in an easy and natural way


on the same page (phrase)
/ɔn ðə seɪm peɪdʒ/

có cùng ý kiến

in agreement, sharing the same ideas

on the same page

heal (v)

làm lành, hàn gắn

to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury


come out (phrasal verb)
/kʌm aʊt/

hiện ra, xuất phát từ, xuất hiện

to appear, to come from

come out

frustrated (adj)

bực bội, nản lòng

feeling annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want


motivate (v)

thúc đẩy, làm động cơ thúc đẩy

to make someone feel determined to do something or enthusiastic about doing it


cut off (phrasal verb)
/kʌt ɔf/

ngắt máy, cúp máy (điện thoại)

to interrupt someone who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection

cut off

fricking (adj)

chết tiệt, bậy

used to emphasize a comment or an angry statement


damage (v)

làm hư hại, gây thiệt hại

to harm or spoil something


effortless (adj)

dễ dàng, không đòi hỏi phải cố gắng

needing little or no effort, so that it seems easy


stress (v)

căng thẳng

to become or make someone become too anxious or tired to be able to relax


overcome (v)

vượt qua, khắc phục (khó khăn)

to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something

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