piece together (phrasal verb)
/pis təˈɡɛðər/

to put all the separate parts of something together to make a complete whole

piece together

to click with (phrasal verb)
/tu klɪk wɪθ/

to fit with, to be appropriate for

to click with

scattershot (adj)

trying to deal with a lot of things in a way that is not well organized


throw together (phrasal verb)
/θroʊ təˈɡɛðər/

put together in a random way, create in a random way

throw together

attempt to (phrase)
/əˈtɛmpt tu/

to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult

attempt to

emphasize (v)

to show that something is especially important or exceptional


technique (n)

a way of performing a skillful activity, or the skill needed to do it


make sense (idiom)
/meɪk sɛns/

to have a meaning that you can easily understand

make sense

embarrassed (adj)

feeling ashamed or shy


a no-brainer (n)
/ə ˌnoʊ ˈbreɪnər/

a decision or a problem that you do not need to think about much because it is obvious what you should do

a no-brainer

crap (n)

something worthless or bad


what you are up to (phrase)
/wɑt ju ɑr ʌp tu/

what you are doing

what you are up to
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