cover (v)

thảo luận, bàn luận

to write or talk about something in detail, showing the different ideas and opinions about it


principle (n)

nguyên tắc

a rule, or a theory that something is based on


whatcha doin' (adj)
/ˈwʌtʃə ˈduɪŋ/

cậu đang làm gì đấy?

short for 'what are you doing?'

whatcha doin\'

teaching method (n)
/ˈtitʃɪŋ ˈmɛθəd/

phương pháp giảng dạy

a principle follow which a teacher teaches his or her students

teaching method

AUA (n)
/eɪ ju eɪ/

trường Đại học Mỹ Alumni

short for American University Alumni


TPRS (n)
/ˌtiː piː ˈɑːr ɛs/

Dạy sự thông thạo qua Đọc và Kể chuyện

short for 'Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling'


all over the place (idiom)
/ɔl ˈoʊvər ðə pleɪs/

rối ren, lộn xộn

not well organized or carefully considered

all over the place

hypothesis (n)

giả thiết, giả định

an idea or explanation of something that is based on a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct


foundation (n)

cơ sở, nền tảng

the basic for, the root of


hardcore (adj)
/hɑrd kɔr/

cực kỳ nghiêm khắc

very strict, very serious (about something)


opposite (adj)

trái ngược, ngược lại

as different as possible from something

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