taxi (n)

xe taxi

a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere


drop (v)

thả xuống

to fall or allow something to fall by accident


pick up (phrasal verb)
/pɪk ʌp/


to take someone who is waiting by the road into your vehicle and take them somewhere

pick up

change (n)

tiền thừa

the money that someone gives back to you when you give more money than it costs to buy something


destination (n)

điểm đến

the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken


driving licence (n)

bằng lái xe

official permission for someone to drive a car, received after passing adriving test, or a document showing this

driving licence

speed limit (n)

tốc độ giới hạn cho phép

the fastest rate at which you are allowed to drive in a particular area

speed limit

receipt (n)

biên lai

a piece of paper that proves that money, goods, or information have been received


passenger (n)

hành khách

a person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying it, or working on it


luggage van (n)
/ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ væn/

khoang hành lý

a train carriage in which large bags are transported

luggage van

stop (v)

tạm dừng

to pause in a journey or an activity for a short time


taxi driver (noun phrase)

tài xế xe taxi

someone who drives a taxi

taxi driver

fare (n)

tiền phí

the money that you pay for a journey on a vehicle


address (n)

địa chỉ, địa điểm

the number of the house, name of the road, and name of the town where a person lives or works


tip (n)

tiền bo

a small amount of money given to someone who has provided you with a service


seat (n)

chỗ ngồi

a piece of furniture or part of a taxi that has been designed for someone to sit on


seat belt (n)
/siːt belt/

dây an toàn

a strong belt in a car or plane that you fasten around yourself to hold you in your seat

seat belt

catch (v)

bắt ( khách, taxi)

to get on a train, bus, plane, or boat that is travelling somewhere


speed (n)

tốc độ

the rate at which something moves or happens


gasoline (n)


a liquid obtained from petroleum, used as fuel in car engines, etc.

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