anesthesia (n)
sự gây mê, sự gây tê
the condition of not feeling pain, esp. by use of special drugs
augmentation (n)
sự nâng, sự tăng thêm
increasing the size or value of something by adding something to it
certified (a)
được chứng nhận
having a document that proves you have successfully completed a course of training
cure (n)
phương thuốc, cách điều trị
a medicine or treatment that makes someone who is ill become healthy
insert (v)
cho vào, chèn vào
to put something into something else, or into a hole or space
surgery (n)
giải phẫu, phẫu thuật
medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone's body
liposuction (n)
hút mỡ (giảm béo)
an operation in which fat is sucked out from under the skin
infection (n)
sự nhiễm trùng
a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus
cosmetic (a)
thẩm mỹ
connected with medical treatment that is intended to improve a person's appearance
complication (n)
biến chứng
a new problem or illness that makes treatment of a previous one more complicated or difficult
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