semester (n)

học kì

one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into


exam (n)

kì thi

an important test of your knowledge, especially one that you take at school or university


training course (n)
/ˈtreɪnɪŋ kɔːrs/

khóa đào tạo, khóa huấn luyện

a series of lessons to teach the skills and knowledge for a particular job or activity

training course

curriculum (n)

chương trình giảng dạy

the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.


plan (v)

lập kế hoạch

to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are going to do something


course (n)

khóa học

a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject


improve (v)

cải thiện, nâng cao

to make something better


deadline (n)

hạn chót

a time or day by which something must be done


subject (n)

môn học

something that you learn or teach in a school, for example English, mathematics, or biology


discussion (n)

thảo luận

the activity in which people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions


assessment (n)

đánh giá

an opinion or a judgment about someone or something that has been thought about very carefully


scholarship (n)

học bổng

an amount of money that an organization gives to someone so that they can study at a particular school or university


result (n)

kết quả, điểm số

the mark you receive after you have taken an exam or test


bachelor's degree (n)

bằng cử nhân

a first degree at college or university

bachelor\'s degree

study abroad (phrasal verb)
/ˈstʌd.i əˈbrɔːd/

đi du học

to pursue educational opportunities in a country other than one's own

study abroad

essay (n)

bài tiểu luận

A short piece of writing by a student on a particular subject


graduation (n)

việc tốt nghiệp

the act of receiving a degree or other qualification after finishing your studies at a college or university


tutor (n)

thầy dạy kèm, gia sư

a private teacher, especially one who teaches an individual student or a very small group


analysis (n)

phân tích

a process of studying or examining something in detail in order to understand it or explain it


practice (v)

thực hành

to do an activity or train regularly so that you can improve your skill

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