judo (n)

võ judo

a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground


bell (n)


a hollow metal object that makes a ringing sound


javelin (n)

thi ném lao

the event or sport of throwing a javelin as far as possible


victory (n)

sự chiến thắng

the fact of winning a competition or battle, or an occasion when someone wins


shot-put (n)
/ʃɑt pʊt/

thi ném tạ

the event or sport of throwing a heavy metal ball as far as possible


hurdle (n)

chạy vượt rào

a race in which runners or horses have to jump over hurdles


breaststroke (n)

kiểu bơi ếch

a style of swimming that you do on your front, moving your arms and legs away from your body


freestyle (n)

kiểu bơi tự do

a sports competition, especially a swimming race, in which each competitor can use any style or method they choose


heavyweight (n)

võ sĩ hạng nặng

a boxer of the heaviest class in normal use, weighing 175 pounds or more


backstroke (n)

bơi ngửa

a style of swimming in which you lie on your back


look like (phrasal verb)
/lʊk laɪk/

trông giống như

bear a physical resemblance to

look like

motor racing (n)
/ˈmoʊt̬ɚ ˈreɪsɪŋ/

đua mô tô

the sport of racing extremely fast and powerful cars around a track

motor racing

take place (phrasal verb)
/teɪk pleɪs/

diễn ra

to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned

take place

defend (v)

phòng thủ

to protect your own goal to stop your opponents from scoring


sportsman (n)

vận động viên

a man who takes part in sports, especially someone who is very good at them


discus (n)

thi ném dĩa

the event or sport of throwing a discus as far as possible


karate (n)

võ không thủ đạo

a Japanese system of fighting in which you use your hands and feet as weapons


black belt (n)
/blæk bɛlt/

đai đen

a belt that you can earn in a sport such as judo or karate, which shows that you have reached a very high standard

black belt

represent (v)

đại diện, tượng trưng cho

to speak or act officially for another person, group, or organization


long-distance (a)
/lɔŋ ˈdɪstəns/

đường dài

traveling or involving travel between places that are far apart

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