greengrocer (n)

a person who owns, manages, or works in a store selling fruit and vegetables


baker (n)

a person whose job is baking and selling bread and cakes


butcher (n)

a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a store, or killing animals for this purpose


florist (n)

a person who owns or works in a store that sells flowers and plants


meat shop (noun phrase)
/mit ʃɑp/

a shop that sells meat

meat shop

shoe shop (noun phrase)
/ʃu ʃɑp/

a shop where shoes are sold

shoe shop

pet shop (noun phrase)
/pɛt ʃɑp/

a shop where pet animals can be purchased

pet shop

gift shop (n)
/ɡɪft ʃɑp/

a store that sells goods that are suitable for giving as presents

gift shop

candy store (noun phrase)
/ˈkændi stɔr/

a place where sells candy

candy store

drugstore (n)

a store that sells medicines


liquor store (n)
/ˈlɪkər stɔr/

a store that sells alcoholic drinks in bottles and cans to take home

liquor store

plastic bag (noun phrase)
/ˈplæstɪk bæɡ/

a large, strong bag made of plastic used for carrying the things you have bought

plastic bag

aisle (n)

rows of shelves in a supermarket


include (v)

if one thing includes another, it has the second thing as one of its parts


brochure (n)

a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buy


secondhand (a)

owned by someone else before


marmalade (n)

a soft sweet food made from oranges, lemons, etc., often spread on bread for breakfast


crisp (n)

a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat


refund (n)

the amount paid back


bargain (v)

to try to persuade someone to give you a better price

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