operator (n)

a person who helps to connect people on a phone system


payphone (n)

a telephone in a public place that you pay to use


phone card (n)

a small plastic piece that is used to pay for calls from a public phone

phone card

engaged (a)

describing a status of a telephone line which is being used when you call


ATM (n)

automated teller machine: a machine outside a bank or in a public place that you use to take money out of your bank account


foreign exchange counter (n)
/ˈfɔːr.ən ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ/

a place where the type of money used in one country is exchanged for another country's money

foreign exchange counter

motel (n)

a hotel by the side of a road, usually for people who are travelling by car


stamp (n)

a small official piece of paper that you buy and stick on an envelope to pay for the cost of posting a letter or a parcel


postbox (n)

a metal container in the street or other public place in which you can post letters


postmark (n)

an official mark that the post office puts on a letter or parcel to show when and where it was posted


travel agency (n)
/ˈtræv.əl ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/

a company or shop that makes travel arrangements for people

travel agency

off-peak (r)

not at the most popular and expensive time


brochure (n)

a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buy


check out (phrasal verb)
 /tʃek aʊt/ 

to leave somebody or place with no deliberation

check out

withdraw (v)

to take money from a bank account


passport (n)

an official document containing personal information and a photograph that allows a person to travel to foreign countries and to prove who they are


visa (n)

an official mark made in a passport which allows you to enter or leave a particular country


souvenir (n)

something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event


cheque (n)

a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account


homestay (n)

a visit in which you pay to stay in someone's house rather than in a hotel

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