compulsory (a)

bắt buộc

must be done because of a rule or law


curriculum (n)

chương trình môn học

the subjects that students study at a particular school or college


certificate (n)

giấy chứng nhận

an official document or record stating that particular facts are true


nursery (n)

nhà trẻ

a school for children between the ages of three and five


kindergarten (n)

mẫu giáo

the first year of school, for children aged five


general education (phrase)
/ˈdʒen.ər.əl ˌed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 

giáo dục phổ thông

the teaching to all people in school

general education

primary education (phrase)
/ˈpraɪ.mə.ri ˌed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/

giáo dục tiểu học

the teaching of young children, especially those between five and eleven years old

primary education

secondary education (phrase)
/ˈsek.ən.dri ˈsek.ən.dri/ 

giáo dục trung học

the education of children approximately between the ages of 11 and 18 years old

secondary education

lower secondary school (phrase)
/ˈləʊ.ər ˈsek.ən.dri skuːl/

trường trung học cơ sở

a school for children between the ages of 11 and 15

lower secondary school

upper secondary school (phrase)
/ˈʌp.ər ˈsek.ən.dri skuːl/ 

trường trung học phổ thông

a school for children between the ages of 16 and 18

upper secondary school

state school (phrase)
/steɪt skuːl/

trường quốc lập

in the UK, a school that is supported with money from the government and that provides a free education for children

state school

independent school (phrase)
/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt skuːl/

trường tư

in the UK, a school that does not receive money from the government

independent school

tuition fee (phrase)
/tjuːˈɪʃ.ən fiː/ 

học phí

the money paid for this type of teaching

tuition fee

well-behaved (a)
/wel -bɪ.heɪvd/

có hạnh kiểm tốt, có giáo dục

polite, gentle


tearaway (n)

người bốc đồng

a young person who does dangerous, silly, or illegal things that often get them into trouble


disruptive (a)

gây rối

causing difficulties that interrupt something or prevent it from continuing


academic year (phrase)
 /ˌæk.əˈdem.ɪk jɪər/

năm học

the time during the year when there is teaching at schools, colleges, and universities

academic year

put into force (phrase)
/pʊt ˈɪn.tuːfɔːs/ 

có hiệu lực

to make something take effect

put into force

divide into (phrase)
/dɪˈvaɪd ˈɪn.tuː/

chia thành

to separate people or things into smaller groups or parts

divide into

publish (v)

xuất bản

to produce something that people want to read, watch or play and make it available to the public

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