apprehensive (a)

lo ngại

anxious about the future


option (n)

lựa chọn

something that you can choose to have or do


occupy (v)

cư ngụ

to dwell or reside in


lock into (phrasal verb)
 /lɒk ɪn.tuː/

cam kết

to commit; to be unable to change

lock into

lease (n)

hợp đồng cho thuê

a contract to pay to use property for an amount of time


indicator (n)

chỉ thị

a sign that shows you what something is like or how a situation is changing


get out of (phrasal verb)
/ɡet aʊt əv/

thoát khỏi

to escape; to exit

get out of

fluctuate (v)

dao động

to go up and down; to change


due to (a)
/djuː tuː/ 

bởi vì

because of

due to

condition (n)

điều kiện, tình trạng

the state that something is in


circumstance (n)

hoàn cảnh

an event or condition connected with what is happening or has happened


subject to (phrasal verb)
/ˈsʌb.dʒekt tuː/

phụ thuộc, bị

to be under power; dependent

subject to

tenant (n)

người thuê nhà

someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else


landlord (n)

chủ nhà (nhà cho thuê)

a person who owns a building or an area of land and is paid by other people for the use of it


negotiation (n)

sự thương lượng, đàm phán

the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them


approve (v)

đồng ý, phê duyệt, phê chuẩn

to accept or allow something officially


economy (n)

nền kinh tế

the system by which a country’s trade, industry, and money are organized


space (n)

không gian

an empty or available area


half price (n)
/hæf prɑɪs/

nửa giá tiền

half of the normal price

half price

uncertain (a)

không chắc chắn

feeling doubt about something; not sure

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