achievement (n)

thành tựu

something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing


recognition (n)

sự công nhận

agreement that something is true or legal


promote (v)

thăng chức, thăng tiến

to move someone to a job at a higher level


productive (a)

có năng suất

resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of something


obvious (a)

rõ ràng

easy to see or understand


merit (n)

sự xuất sắc

excellence, high quality


loyal (a)

trung thành

faithful, believing in something or somebody


look to (phrasal verb)
/lʊk tuː/

trông chờ vào, phụ thuộc vào

to depend on, to rely on

look to

look forward to (phrase)
/lʊk ˈfɔːr.wɚd tuː/

chờ đợi, mong chờ

to anticipate, to be eager for something to happen

look forward to

dedication (n)

sự cống hiến

the large amount of time and effort that someone spends on something


contribute (v)

đóng góp

to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people


value (v)

định giá

to state how much something is worth


pension (n)

lương hưu, tiền trợ cấp

an amount of money paid regularly by a company or government to someone who is considered to be too old or too sick to work


career ladder (n)
/kəˈrɪər ˈliː.dər/ 

nấc thang sự nghiệp

a series of jobs from the lower paid with less responsibility to the highest paid with the most responsibility within a company or particular profession

career ladder

dismiss (v)

sa thải

to officially remove someone from their job


retirement (n)

nghỉ hưu, về hưu

the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old


excellent (a)

rất giỏi, xuất sắc

extremely good


dedicated (a)

tận tâm, tận tụy

believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it


award (n)

giải thưởng

a prize such as money, etc. for something that someone has done


KPI (n)
/keɪ pi ɑɪ/

chỉ số đánh giá thực hiện công việc, KPI

abbreviation for key performance indicator: a very important indicator that shows how well an economy, company, stock, project, etc., is doing

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