sure enough (phrase)
/ʃʊr ɪˈnʌf/

as expected

sure enough

pay attention (phrase)
/peɪ əˈtɛnʃn/

to notice and listen; listen carefully

pay attention

basic (n)

simple thing


fluid (n)

a liquid; a substance that can flow


dread (v)

to feel very worried about something that might happen or something that is going to happen


long-winded (adj)
/ˌlɔŋ ˈwɪndəd/

continuing for too long and therefore boring


stand out (phrasal verb)
/stænd ɑʊt/

to be easily seen; to be noticeable

stand out

grow up (phrasal verb)
/ɡroʊ ʌp/

to change from being a baby or young child to being an older child or adult

grow up

gender specific trait (idiom)
/ˈdʒɛndər spəˈsɪfɪk treɪt/

something done only by a male or only by a female

gender specific trait

French toast (n)
/frɛntʃ toʊst/

slices of bread that have been covered with a mixture of egg and milk and then fried

French toast

impress (v)

to affect strongly, often favorably

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