appreciate (v)

cảm kích, cảm ơn

to recognize the good qualities of someone or something


culture (n)

văn hoá

the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time


sacrifice (n)

sự hy sinh

the fact of giving up something important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important; something that you give up in this way


couldn't even tell (phrase)
/kʊdnt ˈivən tɛl/

đã không biết

to mean that you did not know what to say

couldn\'t even tell

method to one's madness (idiom)
/ˈmɛθəd tu wʌnz ˈmædnəs/

cư xử lạ lùng nhưng có mục đích

something that you say which means that although someone seems to be behaving strangely, there is a reason for their behaviour

method to one\'s madness

strict (adj)

nghiêm khắc

that must be obeyed exactly


run a tight ship (phrase)
/rʌn ə taɪt ʃɪp/

điều hành/ quản lý gắt gao

to run or control something in an orderly and disciplined manner

run a tight ship

I'm telling you (phrase)
/aɪm ˈtɛlɪŋ ju/

Mình đang rất nghiêm túc

used to emphasize what you are saying, to mean that you are serious when saying

I\'m telling you

motto (n)

châm ngôn, phương châm

a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behavior


my way or the highway (idiom)
/maɪ weɪ ɔr ðə ˈhaɪweɪ/

độc đoán, làm theo còn không thì đi

to say that people have to do what you say; otherwise, they will have to leave or quit the project

my way or the highway

brake (n)

cái phanh, cái thắng

a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle


retain (v)

ghi nhớ

to remember ideas or information

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