abstract (a)
trừu tượng
ideas exist as thoughts in the mind, and are not related to physical objectsor real events and actions

dimension (n)
khía cạnh, góc nhìn
an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about something

esthetically (r)
về mặt thẩm mỹ
relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty, or showing great beauty

intrinsic (a)
thực chất
belonging to or part of the real nature of something or someone

portrayal (n)
sự mô tả
the act of showing or describing someone or something in a picture, play, book, etc.; a particular way in which this is done

realism (n)
chủ nghĩa hiện thực
a tendency to accept and deal with people and situations as they are

spectrum (n)
phổ rộng, chuỗi rộng (nghệ thuật)
a complete or wide range of related qualities, ideas, etc.

treasure (n)
châu báu, kho báu
a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver and jewellery

bouquet (n)
bó hoa
a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift

experience (n)
trải nghiệm
an event or a series of events participated in or lived through

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