catastrophe (n)

tai ương, thảm họa

an event that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of people suffer


failure of nerve (phrase)
/ˈfeɪljər əv nərv/

thiếu can đảm

failure of courage

failure of nerve

adaptability (n)

sự thích nghi

ability to change with the environment


self-reliance (n)

sự tự lập, tự lực

ability to depend on yourself


obsess over (phrasal verb)
/əbˈsɛs ˈoʊvər/

lo nghĩ

think only about

obsess over

overcome (v)

vượt qua

to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem


confident (a)

tự tin

feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful


imply (v)

ngụ ý

to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly


task (n)

việc, nhiệm vụ

a piece of work that someone has to do, especially a hard or unpleasant one


seek out (phrasal verb)
/sik aʊt/

tìm kiếm

to look for and find someone or something, especially when this means using a lot of effort

seek out

capacity (n)

khả năng

the ability to understand or to do something


potentially (r)

có tiềm năng, có khả năng

in a state that can develop into something or be developed in the future


expand (v)

mở rộng

to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way


concentrated (a)

tập trung

showing determination to do something


mythologist (n)

nhà thần thoại học

person who studies mythology


the common thread (phrase)
/ðə ˈkɑmən θrɛd/

chủ đề phổ biến

the common idea, the same idea

the common thread

symbolic (a)

tượng trưng, mang tính biểu tượng

containing symbols, or being used as a symbol


face (v)

đương đầu, đối mặt

to deal with a difficult situation


wisdom (n)

học thức

the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time


universal (a)

phổ quát, của tất cả

done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular group

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