diversify (v)

đa dạng hóa

to broaden, to make more varied


source (n)


a person, place, or thing that provides something that you need or want


smooth (a)

trôi chảy, suôn sẻ

causing no difficulty, problems, or delays


quality (n)

chất lượng

how good or bad something is


prerequisite (n)

điều kiện tiên quyết

something that is required or necessary as a prior condition


obtain (v)

thu được, đạt được

to get something that you want or need, especially by going through a process that is difficult


maintain (v)

duy trì

to continue to have; to keep in existence


function (v)

hoạt động

to perform tasks


everyday (a)

thông thường, hằng ngày

routine, common, ordinary


essential (a)

thiết yếu

extremely important or necessary


enterprise (n)

công ty

a business company or organization


stationery (n)

văn phòng phẩm

the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils, and envelopes


mail order (n)
/meɪl ˈɔːr.dɚ/

đặt hàng qua thư

a way of buying goods in which you order them by post, telephone, or the Internet and they are posted to you

mail order

deposit (n)

tiền đặc cọc

an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something


monthly payment (phrase)
/ˈmʌnθ·li ˈpeɪ·mənt/

tiền trả góp

the amount paid each month towards the principal and interest amount of a loan

monthly payment

free delivery (phrase)
/friː dɪˈlɪv.ər.i/

giao (hàng) miễn phí

there is no cost for transporting the goods to the buyer

free delivery

extra cost (n)
/ˈek.strə kɒst/

chi phí phụ trội, chi phí thêm

the additional amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something

extra cost

various service package (phrase)
/ˈver.i.əs ˈsɜː.vɪs ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/

nhiều gói dịch vụ

related group of dealing with a customer in a shop, restaurant, or hotel by taking their order, showing or selling them goods

various service package

wholesaler (n)

người bán sỉ

someone whose job is to sell large quantities of goods to shops or small businesses


increase (v)

gia tăng, tăng lên

to (make something) become larger in amount or size

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